Kevin Wilson

Kevin worked as a network engineer at Unisys, manager at CS Holdings, project manager at BB&D and Hyperion, and now holds the role of group IT manager at Stefanutti Stocks. He originally studied electrical engineering, but the computer industry beckoned, and is still as enticing as it was in the 1990’s.


Kevin has more than 25 years’ experience in IT. Having spent that time delivering various solutions and systems to diverse customers, he has a wide knowledge across the IT landscape, from infrastructure to networking and development, and is considered a master “Jack of all Trades”.


Kevin is passionate about open source initiatives, and uses that to bring IT solutions to construction, where conventional solutions would not deliver a return on investment. He combines this with a modern and innovative approach to management, that focuses on developing in house competencies, to deliver business efficiency, while developing and retaining the skilled IT staff.


From tinkering with the Z80 Sinclair decades ago, to toying with IoT on the Arduino and Raspberry PI today, Kevin still keeps in touch with the latest trends in technology. He believes that you need to understand technology to be able to understand where it is going and how best to leverage it.


“Inefficient systems and technology especially software solutions will not survive the increased pace of innovation and competition in the fast-paced IT market.”