Navigating an uncertain future will require visionary leadership, innovation and excellence in ICT, which informed our choice of the theme for this year’s IITPSA President’s Awards.

Amid a tough economic environment and challenges such as load shedding, organisations must not only keep the lights on – they must also progress. ICTs will be critical for their survival and growth. IITPSA’s members understand this only too well, and have highlighted the challenges and opportunities in a changing landscape during several of our recent events and webinars. Please see our article below, on a recent IITPSA Pr.CIO webinar where CIOs outlined how they mitigate risks caused by load shedding.

Meanwhile, in line with our efforts to help develop the next generation of ICT innovators and industry leaders, our Computer Olympiads programme is well underway for this year.

The final round of the Applications Olympiad will take place on 1-2 July, with the awards on 3 July. Round 1 of the Programming Olympiad will also take place later this month.

Some of the top performers in the Olympiads will take part in the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) in Hungary at the end of August this year. As always, IITPSA and Olympiad officials will help the South African team prepare for this event. It’s worth noting that the South African competitors have consistently performed well at IOI, with 87 South Africans having taken part in IOI over 31 years. They earned at least four gold medals, 13 silver and 43 bronze. With the support of sponsors and volunteers, we aim to continue expanding the reach and success of the Olympiads.
